25 Forex Experts You Shouldn’t Ignore

If you are looking for some top forex experts to learn from, to seek their advice then you have come to the right page, here in this article we have brought you some of the world famous experts in one place with their key strengths, achievements and their twitter/LinkedIn ids to follow, to connect.
forex trading experts

These are the experts we believe will give you some real insight into this niche as they have some solid achievements to backup their expert claims, remember each and every expert mentioned here has their own specialty in trading so it’s up to you which one would you like to learn from, follow though I would suggest since this field is extremely vast with tons of things to learn, to research into; follow and learn from each and every one of them.

Let’s first get to the list!

Forex Trading Experts List

  1. Alex Nekritin
  2. Alexander Elder
  3. Anna Coulling
  4. Brian Dolan
  5. Ed Ponsi
  6. Greg Michalowski
  7. Jared Martinex
  8. Jim Brown
  9. John F. Carter
  10. John J. Murphy
  11. John Jagerson
  12. Kathleen Brooks
  13. Kathy Lien
  14. Laurentiu Damir
  15. Luke Sutton
  16. Marcel Link
  17. Mark Douglas
  18. Markus Heitkoetter
  19. Paul Langer
  20. Pete Manlow
  21. Raghee Horner
  22. Rimantas Petrauskas
  23. Robert C. Miner
  24. Steve Nison
  25. Toni Turner

Top 25 Forex Experts From Around the Globe

Jim Brown

Key Strengths:

  • Provides simple practical and result oriented approach to forex trading, approach that works.

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Anna Coulling

Key Strengths:

  • Over fifteen years of experience in the field, provides free handy, practical tips on forex trading at her website

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Pete Manlow

Key Strengths:

  • Extensive knowledge of the subject matter along with situational insights thus being able to predict forex market behavior

Paul Langer

Key Strengths:

  • An excellent source for newbie’s with over seven years of experience

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Alex Nekritin

Key Strengths:

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Kathleen Brooks

Key Strengths:

  • Research Director at Forex.com, City Index
  • Regularly quoted by big media brands like BBC, CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Sky News, Fox Business etc
  • Extensive knowledge, insight in forex trading, global economics, finance etc

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Brian Dolan

Key Strengths:

  • Currently working as Head Strategist at DriveWealth
  • Remained Chief Currency Strategist at GAIN Capital for 9 years
  • Remained Vice President-FX Julius Baer
  • Authored Currencies Trading for Dummies

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Markus Heitkoetter

Key Strengths:

  • Self made, self taught expert, you can say the quote “An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made and learned from them” fit him perfectly.

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Luke Sutton

Key Strengths:

  • Over a decade experience
  • Expert on almost everything, from the foreign exchange market to penny stocks
  • Written extensively on the subject matter

Kathy Lien

Key Strengths:

  • Managing Partner of BKForex.com
  • Remained Director of Currency Research at FX360
  • Good resource for Newbies and experts
  • Written extensivley on the subject matter
  • Pretty popular with over 40K twitter followers

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Laurentiu Damir

Key Strengths:

  • Around a decade experience in forex trading
  • Written extensively (practical + inspirational stuff) on forex trading

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John F. Carter

Key Strengths:

  • Over two decades of experience
  • Written extensively on the subject matter
  • Owner of online market space firm www.tradethemarkets.com that has been featured on CNBC, FOX Business, Bloomberg, MoneyShow etc
  • Was included in INC 500 Entrepreneur (#21 in 2014) list.
  • Over 25K twitter followers

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Mark Douglas

Key Strengths:

  • Author of a classic book on forex trading "The Disciplined Trader" published in 1990.
  • Authored 10 books on the subject matter, most of which are translated in over a dozen languages.
  • Over 32K twitter followers, suggest he has quite influence in this niche

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Ed Ponsi

Key Strengths:

  • Appeared on CNBC over 200 times and on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg etc
  • Over 22K twitter followers
  • Author of a top selling book "Forex Patterns & Probabilities"

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Rimantas Petrauskas

Key Strengths:

  • Around two decades of programming experience, developed two most famous trade Copiers for MetaTrader4 platform, 1: Signal Magician 2: Local Trader Copier
  • Co-Founder of AutoTrading Academy

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Toni Turner

Key Strengths:

  • Author of four books on the subject matter, translated into around half a dozen languages.
  • Appeared on CNBC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, FOX Business.
  • Featured in Fortune, SFO, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, Equities.com, Fidelity Active Trader, Stock & Commodities etc
  • Author of a best seller “A beginners Guide to Day for the beginners so if you are starting in your career as forex trader, this is the expert.

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Raghee Horner

Key Strengths:

  • Pretty Hot in trading, started trading when she was just 17
  • Author of three books on the subject matter.
  • A good resource for beginners.
  • Over 17K twitter followers, means has quite substaintial influence in the niche

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Marcel Link

Key Strengths:

  • Over 20 years of experience
  • Remained Member of New York Financial ExchangeC

Connect with this expert via his marcel_link@yahoo.com

John J. Murphy

Key Strengths:

  • Considered the father of inter-market technical analysis
  • Remained CNBC technical analyst
  • Chief Technical Analyst at StockCharts.com
  • Received many awards for his work in the field
  • Author of over 20 books

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Alexander Elder

Key Strengths:

  • Author of over dozen books on the subject matter
  • Author of two modern classics Come into My Trading Room (Barron's 2002 Book of the Year) and Trading for a Living
  • Founder of Elder.com  online marketspace firm that provides different kinds of trading solutions, free help etc
  • Author of an international best seller Trading For Living, translated into over a dozen languages

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Robert C. Miner

Key Strengths:

  • Over 20 years of experience
  • Named Guru of the Year

Jared Martinex

Key Strengths:

  • Over 25 years of experience
  • Trained over 10K traders worldwide
  • CEO of Market Traders Institute
  • Expert in psychological side of trading
  • Has contributed to FX Television, Active Trader, Stocks & Commodities Magazine, FX Street etc

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Steve Nison

Key Strengths:

  • Known as the father of modern candlestick charting
  • Author of two international best sellers, translated into over six languages
  • His clients includes The Bank of New York, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, Spear, Leeds, Hedge Funds etc
  • Featured in The Wall Street Journal, Euroweek, Institutional Investor, Barrons etc

Connect with this expert via twitter or you can know more about him via candlecharts

John Jagerson

Key Strengths:

  • Co-Founder of LearningMarkets.com
  • Author of three books on the subject matter
  • Featured in BusinessWeek's Stock Trader newsletter

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Greg Michalowski

Key Strengths:

  • Technical Analyst at ForexLive.com
  • Remained VP, Cheif Currenc & Trading Analyst at FXDD
  • Over 30K twitter followers

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That's it, don't forget to share with your friends, on your social media accounts 😉
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About Arshad Amin

Master of words, clicks, and Shopify tricks—turning digital chaos into cash while making Facebook ads less confusing than a cat meme. When he's not perfecting your SEO, he's perfecting his coffee-to-code ratio!

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